<![CDATA[CHAPTER BOOKS FOR KIDS - Blog]]>Sat, 22 Feb 2025 22:38:06 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Books That Make Perfect Companions For Kids]]>Thu, 27 Aug 2020 12:07:40 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/books-that-make-perfect-companions-for-kidsThe time we spend with our kids is precious. Whether it is reading to them or playing a game with them, every moment is worth cherishing forever. Of all the activities that we indulge in with our kids, reading is probably one of the most enjoyable. After all, it helps your child develop cognitive as well as emotional skills that ensure that he /she will grow to become a responsible adult. From travel stories, to children’s farm stories, to tales about adventures in space, there are so many choices when picking books to read to your kids. 
Introducing your kids to the wonderful world of books at an early age, is a great way  to keep them asking for more. Stories can teach them so much and even help them overcome their fears. Books that help children in this way are considered Life Lesson books. 

Air travel can be a real fear for little ones. If your child is afraid of flying, we recommend Book 1, Flying High, of the Lindie Lou Adventure Series by Jeanne Bender. The story of a charming puppy that is flying to the “Emerald City” (Seattle) to her forever home, is surely one of the most fun children’s books about fear of flying ​

Knowing which types of books to read to kids is crucial. The right books can shape them in positive ways and become family favorites. Here are some types of books that can help you pick a variety of perfect reads for your little ones.

Picture Books

Illustrations capture the attention of young children which makes picture books a perfect reading choice for them. The text and illustrations can beautifully complement each other as the story progresses. Picture books where the protagonist is a young child can keep children engaged till the very end. 

Life Lesson Books

Books that teach life lessons tend to be referred to in real-life situations. For example, when a child is learning to swim, an adult may refer to a book that presented a character learning to swim. This can help the child be encouraged to succeed like the character did. The Lindie Lou Adventure Series by Jeanne Bender is a life lessons series. Each book presents several life lessons, highlighted in red print so they are easy to identify and discuss. These life lessons support social-emotional learning which is extremely important in the development of children.

Folktales and Fables

Folktales and fables are stories passed down from generation to generation through oral storytelling. These stories have a moral theme and cater to different cultures and diverse experiences. Many of these stories have been put into picture book format for educational purposes and families to enjoy. Reading these types of books aloud, helps children develop a better understanding of various cultures. Diverse characters, unfamiliar settings, and celebrated traditions expand knowledge of people and places, past and present. Often, curiosity is piqued, and questions arise as the child is introduced to cultures different than their own. This can result in digging deeper to learn more about a particular culture.

Choose wisely when picking books to read aloud to your child. Let your little ones have fun while learning important life lessons with Lindie Lou, engaging in creative picture books, or learning new cultures and traditions. 

<![CDATA[How Can Your Little Ones Benefit From Reading Series Chapter Books]]>Tue, 18 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/how-can-your-little-ones-benefit-from-reading-series-chapter-booksPicture
Reading is incredibly valuable for young children, even if it is a simple fairy tale or a bedtime story. The experience of flipping through the colorfully illustrated pages not only helps them foster a love for books and reading, but also lays the foundation for their literary skills. While nothing beats the fun of diving into a picture book, it is important that you try to introduce your kids, especially preschoolers, to ‘grown-up books’ that come with a slightly more nuanced and complex narrative and series chapter books fit that description perfectly.

Series chapter books are a group of books that allow kids to read connected stories that are divided into different books. Once they finish reading the first book in the series, they will find themselves drawn to the story and that will ignite their interest in the second book, then the third book, and so on. Series chapter books provide a number of benefits for kids. Here are some of them:

Create a strong literary foundation

Even before your children go to school and learn to read properly, you need to help them develop an understanding of language, its structure, and its rhythm. Series chapter books are a great way to do that. They are designed to help develop vocabulary and comprehension abilities in children. They can also teach the value of patience and help increase their attention span and stamina for reading longer stories. 

Ignite imagination

Books have the power of transporting us to a different world, one that we can only dream of. For children, that is crucial, because it allows them to travel to places that they’ve never seen. They can make new friends in the characters, and even go on incredible adventures. Books can light up their imagination, which can then help them expand their creative thinking skills.

Develop a love for reading

There is no better way to nurture a love for reading in your little ones and set them on the path to becoming avid readers, than by introducing them to series chapter books. These books can not only pique their interest, but also help them learn and appreciate new words, and their meanings.

Let your child experience the joy of reading series chapter books with the Lindie Lou Adventure Series, which is one of the best children’s books for ages 5 - 8. Written by Jeanne Bender, it is a best-selling children’s book series. Find out more about it here.
<![CDATA[How To Choose The Best Books To Read To Your Kids]]>Wed, 12 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/how-to-choose-the-best-books-to-read-to-your-kidsWe all have those unforgettable childhood memories of our favorite book or story, whether it was about the adventures of a brave child or a fantastical tale of a kingdom far, far away. And we assume that you would want your children to have the same experiences with books as you did. Books can be an important learning tool for young kids. They can not only enhance their language learning skills and teach them crucial life lessons, but can also provide them with a looking glass into the world. Books can give them a glimpse of different places, cultures, and communities. Therefore, it is very important that you choose the right books. Here are some tips to help you do that:
Choose appropriate titles according to their age group

Children at different ages and maturity levels will have different skills and interests. You need to Keep in mind that their reading preferences will also be different. For instance, toddlers veer towards books with colorful illustrations, while that may not be the case with preschoolers. Children wanting to read independently, will choose longer books over books that are eye appealing. Subsequently, you must be careful to choose books that are age and interest appropriate.

Go for variety
It is common for young children to read the same books repeatedly. However, you must encourage and allow them to explore. Consider a variety of books, which can include fiction books, graphic novels, as well as non-fiction books. This will motivate them to dive into a more diverse world of learning.

Think about how a book will enrich their lives

One question that you need to ask yourself before picking out a title is, “What will my child learn from this book?” Books, as mentioned previously, can be an important learning tool. So, even if you choose some books that cater to your child’s interests, it is wise to choose a few that also offer life lessons as well. Social-Emotional lessons are also known as life lesson. Many books offer life lessons in the text in a subtle manner. These life lessons may be used to teach your children manners, compassion, and kindness.

The Lindie Lou Adventure Series by Jeanne Bender is an example of a series that teaches children life lessons. It is age appropriate as a read aloud as early as age 4. The series is designed for young readers ages 5 and up, looking to read longer books. It is considered by educators to be one of the best in children’s book series. Check out lindielou.com to learn more about the books, author Jeanne Bender, and the educational experience this series provides.

<![CDATA[Boost Your Child’s Imagination with the Lindie Lou Adventure Series]]>Fri, 07 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/boost-your-childs-imagination-with-the-lindie-lou-adventure-seriesPicture
We all remember our childhood days when our parents used to read us stories about knights and princesses or far away places.  As a parent or teacher, you will surely agree that stories are a wonderful way of connecting with children. If you read to your child starting at a young age, you are not just instilling a good habit, but giving a healthy boost to his/her imagination and creativity. The Lindie Lou Adventure Series is the perfect K-3 children’s travel adventure books series. The many endeavors of this charming puppy as she explores life, keep young readers and listeners entertained.   

Being able to imagine is an essential skill and many parents and educators help their children and students develop and sharpen this skill. A creative and imaginative mind undoubtedly prepares children for later stages of life. We believe using your imagination needs to be encouraged, taught, and nurtured. One of the best ways to boost your child’s imagination is to encourage them to read chapter books. The Lindie Lou Adventure Series (ages 5 and up) fits the bill perfectly. If your child is transitioning from picture books to chapter books, Lindie Lou’s adventures will help develop the skill of imagination as he/she reads or listens. 

The Lindie Lou Adventure Series books are 150-270 pages long written at a second-grade reading level. The color illustrations, short chapters, and large font make them a perfect transitional series.  In the first book, Lindie Lou flies on an airplane to arrive at the Emerald City (Seattle, Washington), her new forever home. On the airplane she meets Max, a wise dog who is a good companion. If your child has never been on an airplane before, reading about Lindie Lou’s flight over the city of St. Louis and above the clouds will surely prepare them for the first time! Lindie Lou has adventures at Pike Place Market, Puget Sound, and the Space Needle in Seattle in the second book.  In book 3, she experience the excite and the danger of farm life on an organic farm in Iowa. Big City Magic, book 4 allows readers and listeners to experience the adventures of the subway, Central Park, and Times Square in New York City. If you want to introduce your child to geography and culture in a variety of locations over the shoulders and through the eyes of Lindie Lou, this is the series for you!  

The Lindie Lou Adventure Series books are the perfect K-3 books with activities included on the website, lindielou.com. These educational, beginning chapter books and activities will boost your child’s imagination and creativity. There is nothing like a story creative book to foster a child’s artistic side. Jeanne Bender’s appealing characters and imaginative storytelling style is something you and your child or student will find yourself reading over and over again. 
<![CDATA[Reading At home with Lindie lou... easy to read chapter books for your kids.]]>Sat, 06 Jun 2020 18:30:40 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/reading-at-home-lindie-lou-easy-to-read-chapter-books-for-your-kids
It’s getting increasingly difficult to keep kids at home for the moment. We can’t really blame them for getting restless and wanting to go out though. After all, it’s been more than 3 months since they have been able to engage in fun activities with their friends, given the novel coronavirus pandemic.

However, you can keep boredom at bay while keeping them safe at home by introducing them to the amazing world of easy to read chapter books! And what’s better than the popular Lindie Lou Adventure Series written at a
second-grade reading level for ages 5+.
Few chapter books with illustrations have succeeded in capturing the imagination of children as easily as the Lindie Lou Adventure Series. Our adorable four-legged (and did we mention furry and charming?) protagonist keeps bumping into great adventures. Not only does Lindie Lou’s escapades keep tiny tots hooked, but they also end up learning life lessons along the way.
Why should your child read beginning chapter books such as the Lindie Lou Adventure Series? While reading plays an important role in developing their cognitive skills, going through a book filled with large fonts, dramatic word-art, and colorful illustrations makes them slow down to comprehend what’s actually happening. This simple act greatly improves their concentration, boosts memory, and also assists them in learning new words with the help of contextual cues. Moreover, kids who struggle with reading lines and lines of text can gain the confidence to read more by starting out with these easy to read books.
In addition to this, these books never fail to engage and entertain. This means that you can go on about your household chores while they are engrossed in knowing what their favorite puppy, Lindie Lou, is up to these days! And the fun doesn’t just end with one book. There are four books as of now!
chapter books with illustrations follow Lindie Lou, who loves making new friends, is curious to know more about the world around her, and faces new developments in her life with hope and positivity. The plots have unexpected twists and turns because of Lindie Lou’s adventurous nature and her unusual ability to communicate with both humans and animals. While she does get herself into fixes, she overcomes her fears with creativity and courage and she never gives up! All these elements make the books very fun to read.
Apart from this, the books also have valuable 
social emotional learning (SEL) life lessons for impressionable children such as why they should eat nutritional food, why they shouldn’t trust strangers, as well as the dangers of venturing out alone without informing adults. Kids who love Lindie Lou are bound to remember these golden words and cultivate them in their life.
Lindie Lou Adventure Series is not meant just for entertainment. Of course, she a has a great aerial adventure up in the skies, goes up in space, experiences the fun of a farm lifestyle, and has a great time in the Big Apple, but it must be remembered that they are also designed to help children lead emotionally cognizant lives. Not only will these books keep your children at home safely, but this adventure series will also encourage them to acquire positive qualities and gain the confidence to continue to read.
And after they’ve finished one of the books in the series, the lindielou.com website has numerous fun downloadable activity pages which encourage comprehension and are specifically designed to help their readers think outside the box.
So, come along for the fun with the Lindie Lou Adventure Series books and join us on Facebook in our Lindie Lou Books Group.

<![CDATA[lindie lou coloring book pages are now available...]]>Wed, 29 Apr 2020 22:16:31 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/lindie-lou-coloring-book-pages-are-now-availableHi Everyone.
I hope you are staying safe and well and are looking for fun things to do... well... here are some fun coloring book pages for you to enjoy!
Click on the coloring book page below to go to the place where you can find many more Lindie Lou Coloring Book Pages!
And... don't forget to share your page on Instagram at #lindielouadventureseries.
<![CDATA[jeanne bender is wondering how you're doing while staying at home during the corona virus?]]>Thu, 16 Apr 2020 21:03:09 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/jeanne-bender-is-wondering-how-youre-doing-while-your-staying-at-home-during-the-corona-virusPicture

​  These two girls were coloring
  Lindie Lou pictures at home
  this week.

  They downloaded coloring book
  pages from the "KIDS" Tab on
  lindielou.com. (click here).

  Share your stories here by clicking
  on the word...Comment.

<![CDATA[Author Jeanne Bender would like to hear from you...]]>Wed, 09 May 2018 18:56:13 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/author-jeanne-bender-would-like-to-hear-from-youPicture

​Hi Lindie Lou Readers! 
This is author Jeanne Bender. I'd like to hear from you.

<![CDATA[Where do you think LIndie Lou will find the Big Apple?]]>Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:34:45 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/where-do-you-think-lindie-lou-will-find-the-big-applePicture
Where do you think Lindie Lou will find the Big Apple?  ***Hint... It's in a city called the "Big Apple."  ***Hint... If you look around too much, you might not find it!  ***Hint... the answer will be in the end of the book 4.

<![CDATA[We love bookstores!]]>Fri, 16 Feb 2018 20:01:21 GMThttps://lindielou.com/blog/warwicks-bookstore-eventPicture
Hi from Warwick's Book Store in San Diego, CA.
We LOVE bookstores!

Which bookstore is your favorite?
​Do they sell Lindie Lou books?
How many have you read?
Who is your favorite character?
